Thursday 12 December 2013

The Role Of The Writer L.O.R

The role of the writer 

What changes had to be made from the original book to the screen play?

Originally, they wanted the 3 books to go into one film, but Miramax told them to go elsewhere, as Peter Jackson didn't have the right funds.

They then found Newline who saw it as 3 films, so scripts were re-written to fit each film for when they were released.

Making larger roles for the female characters was incredibly important because they also wanted a female audience as well as a male audience, if they didn't decide to give females important roles then the fan base would be male dominated. There is a need to expect strong female characters so that females feel like they are included in the film.

for example Arwen only has a short poem in the book, but in the film she was given the role of Frodo's sort of guardian angel and gave him an elven sword to light his way in darkness, he also saw her in dreams and visions when he needed guidance.

Exposition -
Exposition is a way of describing what's happened previously in a story before the audience start watching.
Star Wars did this with a short synopsis of what the characters have just done and what are about to do which gets you up to speed straight away.

Actors and Script Writing -
The script usually give draft scripts to the actors, telling them that if they have an idea on how a character should sound like, act like, or be based off of. Then the actors should express their opinions